It's now been eight months without symptoms or medication. I have expanded my healing diet even more. I still am afraid of eating meat of any sort, including fish, so I don't. The length of time it can remain in your digestive track, fermenting, just cannot be a good think.
Every now and then I'll have a little cheese. Very little. And I'll have beer or alcohol, but no wine due to the acidity. When I have some cheese, I make sure it's with alkaline forming foods. Beer or alcohol, I only have after I've eaten. Never on an empty stomach because I'm fearful of the alcohol making it to my intestines before being absorbed into the blood stream. So have the food absorb it and keep it in the stomach longer helps ensure that large amounts don't make it to my colon.
I still am about 60-70% raw foods and vegetables, but will eat cooked vegetables and grains now. I avoid highly processed or fried foods. Vegetable stir fry over brown rice or quinoa is a common meal, however, I make the vegetables the larger part of my meal.. Nuts and seeds are fine now too. In the past, I might have a pasta dish with a side of vegetables, now I have vegetables with a side of pasta.
I regularly continue to juice in order to ensure I get maximum absorption of vitamins and minerals. Green juice is a regular part of my week now, and love watermelon and honeydew juice too. I no longer eat cereal, but instead have fruit for breakfast. I think I'll blog my typical diet in an up coming week so you can see how the diet no longer is as boring as it used to be.
I meet people often that have Crohn's and hear of the number of flare ups they have while on medication and realize how blessed I am, and I feel normal again! I met a young woman at Winterplace recently who also instructs there. She was diagnosed with Crohn's about a year ago. She's happy because she hasn't had a flare up in two months. She takes 14 pills a day to keep from flaring up. I have to continue to remember that the minor restrictions of my diet by far is less convenient than 14 pills a day to limit flare ups to once every couple months.
When I was first diagnosed, I would have never imagined that it would take less than a year to cure the ulcers and live a normal life again. How blessed am I...