I've had the website www.mylifewithcrohns.com and have unsuccessfully been able to renew it. When I started the blog, I secured the domain name from Google as the blog platform I use is Blogger.com, which is a Google app.
Google sent me notice about the domain registration expiring and the links they gave me to pay for the renewal wouldn't work. I had messaged the three times asking for help, and attempted to call them as well. Over a two month period I wasn't able to renew the domain name successfully. Crazy…
So I found out through GoDaddy that Google would charge $80 to restore the name and that they could help me get it restored. Then once restored, they could reassign it to themselves. GoDaddy is who Blogger/Google used for domain names but since it was purchased through Google, they couldn't restore the name without going through Google.
Well, out of principle, I was not going to pay Google $80 to restore a name that should not have expired if they would have responded to any of my customer service requests. So, please make a note of the new domain name: mycrohnslife.com.